Jason Parker from Parker Financial will help you to sort out your finances this spring. He has 5 key steps that will assist you with “cleaning” your financial house. You could improve your family budget planning as easy as you make your annual spring cleaning or your declutter.

Welcome back here. 8:43 right now on this Monday morning.
So, even though it doesn't

feel like it today it is officially
springtime which means you might have
started maybe that annual spring
cleaning or your declutter and you're
organizing the house I've started that a
little bit but the same can be said for
your finances as well local financial
professional Jason Parker from Parker
Financial joins me this morning with
5 key steps to kind of help you
spring clean your financial house Jason
I love this good morning good morning
thanks for having me so why do you think
springtime is like the time to kind of
go over all this spring is the season of
hope it's the time of new beginnings we
plant in the spring we harvest in the
fall and it's the time to clean things
up so we're gonna talk about cleaning up
our finances Ivete five easy ways five
kind of it's gonna take some work under
started all right so let's go through
this all right the first one Benjamin
Franklin once said beware of little
expenses a small leak will sink a great
ship and so the first thing we want you
to do is just get out your bank
statements take a highlighter and start
looking for those little expenses that
may be sinking that financial shell it
all adds up all those little things all
the little such a smart thing to do yes
all right what's next
okay the next one is we want you to have
a clear vision for retirement or
whatever your financial goal is whether
it's getting the kids through college or
paying off the mortgage having a strong
vision really understanding what the
purpose of your money is having a good
goal a lot of the people that we serve
are planning for retirement oh
absolutely I feel like that's a perfect
time to also maybe reconnect with your
financial advisor or maybe would you
suggest that yeah anytime there's a
change in your financial life or you're
like I say you've got a big a big
financial event on the horizon that's a
good time to meet with a professional
all right I also see a rake now what is
the meaning of the rake here I was out
raking all weekend is such so it was
really nice a lot of people doing that
vitamin D overdosing yeah no this is
about raking in the financial
contributions so we have until April
17th this year Albert Einstein says the
8th wonder of the world is compounding
interest so the faster we get money into
those IRAs HSAs Roth accounts the faster
we're going to get to retire so we want
to make sure people make those 2017
April 7th okay so you have until April
17th to do that for 2017 for 2017 I did
not know that okay very interesting so
I'm learning something of course as well
all right so also seen the little
Swiffer duster what it is my favorite
time to clean up the financial forms a
lot of people are going to be going on
spring break and so we want to make sure
your will power of attorney living well
are in good order review your
beneficiary designations and if you
haven't completed that P OD or Tod
transfer on death forms at the bank make
sure you get those in in good order yeah
and I know that's not like the happiest
thing to talk about but I'm glad you
brought that up because you really have
to get that stuff done I feel like we
want to put that off to the side one of
my attorney friends said the time that
most people do those documents is right
before they take off on a big trip okay
that's a really good idea all right
I'm seeing this and I saw this
immediately and freaked out so you
remember that old song take out the
papers in the trash yeah all right so
this is about we want you to hold onto
these old tax forms for as many as seven
years bank statements and pay stubs hold
on to those for one years but this is
about taking out the trash take these
things down to the shredder after seven
years but before you do kind of a good
exercise is look back at what your
income was seven years ago because a lot
of us have made a lot of progress in our
financial lives and so it's a good time
to go back and celebrate absolutely I
like that too because I think it gives
some positivity to tax time as well I
think a lot of us think about it is
maybe enough time kind of pinnacle Sam
yeah exactly Jason this is great
information thank you so much and there
you go
five easy ways if you'd like more
information from Jason you can visit
Parker-financial.net and again thanks
for coming.


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