- School is back in session, and we're ready to show you the hottest looks in collegiate fashion.
- Get ready to see these styles everywhere on campus this fall.
- Ooh, who's this coming down the runway?
Why it's sophomore Tyler McClintock with a look that just screams, "I go to this school!"
- Yes, and it's not gonna stop screamin' any time soon.

- He's got university logo's on absolutely everything, as if he might forget what school he attends.
- Or as if other people might forget, but how can they when he mentions his school in every sentence?
- We get it Tyler.
- And here's Melissa Gonzales, Melissa is a senior who's look reflects the deep apathy that has festered inside her for years.
- She is Done with all of this and she does not care anymore.
I love the colors on her top.
- Yes, those are all food stains.
In fact, it's more stain than shirt now.
- She rolled out of bed on Tuesday and she hasn't showered since.
- And honestly, who cares?
- Not Melissa, that's why she's wearing broken flip-flops.
- Tre chique.
- And here come the freshman. Get a load of them.
- None of these little turds have ever purchased their own clothes, and you can tell.
- Casual, formal, anywhere in between, they always look like they're cosplaying as their dads.
God they look awful.
- The clothes may not fit any body type on earth, but they were a great deal at Costco.
- Kirkland's got my signature.
Oh, and who is that moving so quickly down the catwalk?
- I don't know, but she had a very heavy backpack and somewhere to be.
I love the mystery inherent in that look.
Where is she going?
Why is she always late?
Does she need everything in that backpack?
- We may never know.
Oh! And who's this?
That's not Martin Kollowski is it?
- It sure is, he's just made an active decision to change his look this year and you can tell. - You can tell for sure.
Wow, with an ensemble like that you'd think Martin must have a personality.
But you would be surprised.
- Oh our sweet little Martin had a disappointing year last year and he is workin' to reinvent himself.
- But nothing is working as hard as that turtle neck scarf combo.
I mean is his neck super cold or something?
- No, he just wants people to think he's an artist, and he's only ever seen them on TV.
- How exhausting.
- Ooh, Molly Greenwald is looking very nice, and very basic. - Very basic.
- And a classic, ever fashionable pea coat.
- Molly is also freezing her ass off, because this coat has no insulation.
- Yes, at some point you learn that you'll have to choose between comfort and fashion.
- How stupid.
- That's it for this season's back to school fashion show.
Tune in in 10 years to hate the way all of this looks.
- I'm glad those bad fashion days are behind me.
- Oh certainly, this will never go out of style.



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