If you like scrambled eggs, this video is for you. Do you know which eggs taste better in a scramble? Here we have quail, chicken, duck, and even ostrich eggs. Let’s make a challenge! Which of them taste better? Of course, you may not agree with the result of this test, but you can choose for yourself, which flavor you like more. Just taste all of these eggs and make your mind.

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Hey everyone, my name is Jessie and today, I'm gonna be testing out which egg scrambles the best. I have eggs from quails, chickens, ducks, and even an ostrich egg. I'm gonna scramble them all, try to keep it completely the same and fair, and I'm gonna feed it to three egg lovers in the office. Let's get to the bottom of this and let's see which egg scrambles the best.

Quail egg

First, I got these cute little quail eggs. I'm snipping them open with these special scissors that takes the top off without crushing them. I had to open 18 of them just to make enough to make one batch of a scrambled egg.

I'm gonna season them up with salt, some pepper, and I'm gonna cook all these eggs in some butter, over medium heat, no fancy tricks this time.

Eggs look a little more yellow than a typical chicken egg, so I'm interested to see if they taste any different than chicken egg. Gonna serve them on top of a toast, season it up with a little bit more salt and pepper, and that's it.

Egg lover 1: It's got some good coloration, I see some white, some yellow, some pepper.

Egg lover 2: Looks like scrambled eggs. Maybe a little darker. There's not as much white yolky part. Oh, that is creamy.

Egg lover 3: This is so soft, oh my god. I would totally put this in a bacon egg and cheese sandwich. Feels like as if you wouldn't need the cheese if this was just what was in the sandwich.

Egg lover 2: It's like if a stick of butter and an egg just had an orgy. This is really good.

Chicken egg

Up next, we have good old chicken eggs and, chances are, we all know what scrambled chicken eggs look and taste like. So, instead, I'll take this time to tell you some chicken egg facts.

First. Did you know that chicken eggs can come in green, blue, pink, brown, or white, depending on the chicken?

And did you know that the average person in the U.S. consumes over 275 eggs? That's a ton of eggs!

So, back to these eggs. They look pretty typical. I'll put them on toast, I'll season them up with some more salt and pepper, and that's it.

Egg lover 1: But this one is much more yellow all the way around.

Egg lover 2: Let’s give it a try.

Egg lover 1: Oh, it's gooey on the inside.

Egg lover 3: This one's good, too. It doesn't taste like a normal egg.

Egg lover 2: It's bolder. It's confusing me. It's like, when you see somebody once swearing, you don't really know what it is about that made them swear, and you’re like, damn, that person's got swagger. These are these scrambled eggs I got, swagger. I just don't know exactly what it is.

Egg lover 1: It's the perfect egg.

Duck egg

Up next, we have duck eggs, which are a bit larger than chicken eggs, and the shells are a bit thicker and they kind of feel papery. And if you noticed, the yolks are larger than chickens, but the whites look super watery, they almost have no color. And it kind of feels mucousy when I whisk them together.

So, I'm going to cook this just like the other ones, just some butter, some pepper, nothing fancy. And I noticed that they're really, really pale in color. I wonder if that means they're gonna be less flavorful.

So, I'm gonna serve it up on some toast, season with salt and pepper, and there you have it – scrambled eggs.

Egg lover 3: It looks like very desaturated, there's barely any color to it.

Egg lover 1: Oh wow, it's really smooth.

Egg lover 2: You know the yolk flavor, how it kind of tastes like this chalky, kind of like flavor. It's like that.

Egg lover 3: Definitely, don't judge a book by it's cover, because this unsaturated egg, it tastes amazing.

Ostrich egg

So, here's what you've all been waiting for. We're gonna scramble some ostrich eggs.

Okay, and to secure it, I'm gonna put it in a bowl. I'm gonna smack it to open it, chip away the pieces, and just kind of shake the egg out, because I don't know how else it's supposed to get out of here.

So, I know this probably doesn't look the most appetizing but maybe it tastes good. In the season with a lot of salt, a ton of black pepper because it's equivalent to 24 chicken eggs. And I'm gonna whisk it all together, and just whisk and whisk and whisk and whisk. Because it took me forever to get this all whisked.

Now, we're gonna cook it in some butter, like the others. And I'm only gonna pour a bit of this in, because nobody needs that much scrambled ostrich eggs. And it seems to cook up pretty similar to the other ones. It's a bit looser maybe, more watery. This takes longer to cook, too.

So, we're gonna put this straight on some toast, season with more salt and pepper, and here we have it – scrambled ostrich eggs.

Egg lover 2: This is, like, the eggs you get at a hotel buffet. They may have come from a box, they may have come from an egg, who knows.

Egg lover 1: This definitely has a distinct look. It's super yellow, like it's very pigmented in color.

Egg lover 3: Let's try it. Here we go. Oh, no.

Egg lover 1: Whoa, I like this one.

Egg lover 2: It just kind of feels, like, if you took egg flavor and, like, turned it up a notch

Egg lover 3: It has a lot of flavor, I'm not gonna lie. The flavor’s good, but the texture – it just doesn't allow me to get past that. It's like super soft.

Egg lover 2: It just feels like a more like full-bodied egg experience.


So, which egg scrambles the best? Let's find out.

Egg lover 1: After tasting those four different eggs, I will have to say, my favorite is the fourth (ostrich egg). It was the most different but, most of all, the flavor was strongest.

Egg lover 3: After diving into the egg world, I'm gonna have to say that number one is the winner (quail egg) because it just had the right texture, the right flavor. It was really good. Quail eggs. Maybe I'll start ordering quail eggs at my local diner.

Egg lover 2: So, after the eggs that I tried, I would say that my winner is number one. The butter eggs. Because they taste like butter and I love butter and I love eggs. And it's like a perfect army together. Quail eggs. If you like butter, quails are where it's at.

So there you have it: quail eggs make the best scrambled eggs.


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