The video Trailer Badla was released on 11 February 2019.

It is not right to take revenge everytime...
But it is also not right.
To forgive everytime.
Badal Gupta?
-Who is he? -An expert at preparing witnesses.

He hasn't lost a single case in 40 years
Whatever you tell me...
...Will be the truth for me.
I want every detail. No matter how small
Or insignificant
Arjun and I had been together for three months.
Someone found out and started blackmailing us.
Was it just an affair or were you in love with him?
I only love my husband and my daughter.
I have three questions for you.
How did you receive that SMS on your mobile?
If the blackmailer wanted money, why did he leave without it?
And how did he get in and out of the room without a trace?
The whole thing was planned very carefully.
-Who would want to frame you? -I don't know.
I'm the one taking the fall,
While the real culprit is escaping.
He is a fool who only knows the truth... but not the difference between truth and lies.
Am I seeing the 6 that you showed me?
Or the 9 that I should've seen.

8th March 2019

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