Fresh trailer for Alex Strangelove appeared. The movie will be available in the US on June 8. It is a movie about high school children who are trying to understand themselves and such things as love, passion, sex, relationships, etc. The main character is confused because of his feeling toward his girlfriend and a guy who has a crush on him.

– Golgi apparatus. The most amazing thing about this is – Alex Truelove is going to have sex next week.

– Huh?

– Hot, sweaty intercourse of a sexual kind.


My name is Alex Truelove. Yes, that's my real name. I have a 4.0 GPA, I’m Student Body President, and I have a great girlfriend.


– You're coming with us to this party and you're gonna let your little constipated hair down and enjoy yourself.

– Come on, join the cool kids. I think we're here to corrupt you, Alex.

– There you are!


So, I have a girlfriend. And…

– Oh, she's adorable.

– She is.

There's this guy who, I'm pretty sure, has a crush on me. And I guess I'm not repulsed by the idea.


– Look, it's a confusing time, man. Everywhere you look, someone is omnisexual or transitioning.

– How did you know you were gay?

– How do you know you're straight?


– What's going on? We're trying to deverginize you for the past eight months but you won't let me.


– It's like Mad Max out here: guys doing guys, girls doing girls, girls turning into guys and doing girls that used to do girls and guys. Aah!


– I'm over adult. This whole thing – sex, love. I'm out.


– Can someone, please, explain modern high-school boys to me?


– What are you so scared of?


Love is strange.

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