The next film from the famous spectacular series The Predator. It will be the Predator 4. Some of you know that the first ever Predator was on screens in 1987; the Predator 2 appeared in 1990 and the Predators – in 2010. Now, we’re waiting for the next part that will be released in September 2018. This should be a super action movie with recently available special effects.

– Do you know what my job description is? I’m in acquisitions. I look up and I catch what falls out of the sky.

– What’s on the ship?


– Tell me about the mission. Did you see anything unusual?


– It’s above our big ring.

– Do I get a cooking out?




– Look, I get it. Something went down in Mexico. Nobody wants any witnesses.


– We need to know if you and your men pose a threat.

– We’re rangers.

– Hey, Baxley, if your mom’s vagina were a video game, it would be rated “E” – for everyone.

– As for posing a threat? Can’t have the f… point.


– Put at this ridgestoned sit around, making hats out of rib cages.


– They conquered space.


– That’s not what’s on the horizon.

– Are you worried?


– I think you know what is on the ship. The ultimate predators.


– We may die.


– We’re still here.


– So, come and get us, motherf…



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