The video trailer TOY STORY 4 was released on 19 March 2019.

Everyone Bonnie made a friend in class.
Oh, she's already making friends.
No, no she literally made a new friend. I want you to me Forky.
He's a spool.
Yes, yeah, I know.

For Ki is the most important toy to Bonnie right now. We all have to make sure nothing happens to him.
Woody we have a situation.
I am NOT a toy.
I was paper soup, salad, maybe chili and then the trash.
But we gotta get pork of bourbon.
Why am I alive you're Bonnie's toy.
You are going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life.
Huh, where?
Come on Bo.
Hi! My name is Gabby Gabby.
We can't stay yes you can boy.
What are you doing here?
No time to explain come with me.
We need to get back to our kids.
Oh, Sheriff woody you always come in to the rescue.
Bonnie needs 40.
Woody who needs a kids room when you can have all of this.
Woody are we going to Bonnie.
We have to find.
The totally do but what would would he, do.
Jump out of a moving vehicle let's go.
Hey you gotta, go you gotta go.
You know you've handled this lost toy life better than I could.
Open your eyes woody there's plenty of kids out there sometimes change can be good you can't teach this.
Old toy new tricks if you'd be surprised.
Bonnie, we're going home for tea.
On my way whatever is infinity and beyond.
Mids lose their toys every day.
I was made to help the child I remember it being this hard buddy.
Somebody's whispering in your ear.

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