The music video Avicii - The Story Behind The Album 'TIM' was released on 5 April 2019.

Klas Bergling, Tims Father: I don’t exactly remember the age, but he was sitting in this room making house music and he was playing the guitar. And I noticed that he was better than me, and I have played the guitar for many years, but I never came more than this.
I didn’t go further, but he went further. And then he started to produce house music.

And it was so tiring to hear that all the time, over and over again.
We asked him, ‘Can you please turn it down.’ After a while he started with headphones,
I think that he must’ve been 16-17.
He started a long time before he came out with the music.
The planned album release Per Sundin, President of Universal Music Nordic Region: Tim had narrowed it down to 16 songs and that was those 16 songs he played to us.
We went through them when we were having this last telephone conference, the night he arrived in Oman. And those 16 songs – two months later after he passed away, we said, ‘Okay, how should we do this? How can we honor him as much as possible with these 16 songs?’ That’s where we started.
Anki, Tim’s mother, and I decided that Tim’s music should be released to his fans and to people who want to listen to it. We don’t want it to be locked in.
It was a challenge: how do we finish this? How do we fulfill the path that Tim had set out?
We said that the best ones to really know how to do this were the people that were working with Tim. They created these songs in their sessions. And everyone said, ‘as long as the family wants to do that, we’re willing to try.’ No one said, ‘I know exactly what to do’. It was more like, ‘let’s see how it goes’.
Finishing this record, my reference point became Tim’s old music and the songs we’ve done together. How were they created? What kind of melodies, what kind of synths, what kind of pianos did he use?
Sometimes the ten last percent can be the hardest. But because we had done it from the beginning, the production and the songs were made quite at the same time and the concept of the song was so straight forward.
We were mainly in the background watching him do his thing. You just throw ideas when you think it’s the right time.
And if he loved it, he would tell you, if he hated it, he would tell you too.
This has been the toughest thing for us to try to follow. I’m not saying we’ve done it perfectly because no one knows. We tried to keep it as close to what Tim would have loved or what Tim would have done. We’re not trying to create the biggest hits ever made, we’re trying to be as close to what Tim would have wanted.
A selection of the 16 songs will be released as an album. The family has chosen to simply name it Tim.

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