The video trailer film SHAFT was released on 6 February 2019.

Hi. I'm - I'm just looking for...
- Shaft? - Mm-hmm.
- Who's asking? - John Shaft, Jr.
Your son. - My son?
Junior? - Yeah.
You know they say that cat Shaft is a bad mother.

Music Lyrics Shut your mouth.

Ignore him. He thinks he's a black James Bond.
If that dude was real, he'd think he was me.
If you're gonna pursue this investigation, I'm gonna have to babysit your ass.
Oh, looky here. How long has it been?
Hmm, never long enough.
Lady Syphilis, Madam Chlamydia, it's lovely to meet you both.
That's Junior's mama. She's a little bitter.
Please tell me that you did not get our son involved in your bullshit.
What is wrong with you?
She picked up a bat.
You can't beat up a woman.
- Why not? - Because she's a woman.
That's, like, misogynistic.
You're the one being misogynistic. I ain't mentioned her gender.
- Okay. - I'm a equal opportunity ass whooper.
- Oh! - Damn!
Oh, there's no nonviolent people in Harlem!


Music Lyrics Who's the black private dick
Who's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right.

- You okay? - Yeah.
Boy, back in the day, we didn't need guns.
All we needed was our bare knuckles.
Damn! Grandpa.
Oh, you can't be too prepared.
Let me get mine.
Damn, you back here having a knife fight?
Oh, hell, no. I shot him.

Music Lyrics You're damn right.
Yaah! Oh!
- What are you doing? - The glass didn't break!
- Get in here, JJ! Come on! - Aah!

Music Lyrics Can you dig it?

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