As the powerful goddess of death, Hela believes that her dominion knows no bounds.  The clash of the Asgardians and test how far the rule of Death can reach.

The daughter of Loki, Hela was appointed by Odin to be goddess of the dead.

A decision he'd come to regret later as he watched the queen of hel's constant attempts to conquer Asgard and possess the souls of Odin and Thor.

Hela's obsession with growing her ranks of the dead and laying siege to Asgard manifested in plots such as trapping thor and the warriors three in a fake paradise, unleashing a powerful being called infinity, and even working with Loki to bring about Ragnarok.

One of hela's most nefarious schemes was cursing Thor with immortal life, but also a brittle, non-healing body. Thor got her to reverse the enchantment by traveling to hell in the armor of the destroyer.

After failing то defeat her foes time and time again, Hela set up shop in a Las Vegas casino where she fed on the souls of the unlucky and downtrodden.

When Hela wasn't plotting to obliterate her enemies, she was protecting her own throne of power from the likes of cannibalistic, exiled valkyries, serpent, or Odin's lost daughter, Angela.

To reclaim her kingdom, Hela allied herself with Thanos, promising that which he craved most: death.

With a will to do anything it takes various powers over life and death, Hela causes constant cosmic calamity and chaos wherever she goes and misery to whomever she sets her sights on.

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