The video Trailer THE GRINCH Steal Christmas was released on 29 September 2018

One Pet dog. One Pet reindeer.
Santa had eight. He looks like. He ate the other seven.
One million Pet peeves.
Very Christmas!

Is the loudest snow ever.
Very Christmas!
I want to do. I going to steal their Christmas. The cookie this is our enemy. No no. We must. Resist. Who is this mean fellow with asked in our brain in his teeth yellow. We will drop the slave. From the roof. Okay. Go team. You smile. If I'm gonna become Santa then I need to get into character.
It's God y'all. Shouldn't eat now we'll be riding in style. Oh oh oh.
Declaration of town now you got acts max I'll play out. Next I'm promoting you. You will guide my sleigh tonight. What? Max. Bridge. Max you know the rules. You sleep in your bed and I sleep in. That's did you teach him puppy eyes. Fine.
November, 9.

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