- Maybe I'll find it in the middle.
Yo, yo.
-No, you won't.
You won't find it in the middle, that's it.
She's crying.
- We're going to be swapping Filipino and American snacks.
- I'm from the Philippines. It's my first time eating American foods.

- I am American, and it is definitely my first time trying a Filipino snacks.
- I don't know if I've had American snacks before.
- I don't know if I've had Filipino snacks before.
- I'm from the Philippines.
- I'm originally from North Carolina. I know.
- Where's that? No, it's my first time in the States, so newbie.
- From like the South.
- Oh!

ROUND 1: Durian candy

- This is a Durian candy. Where I'm from, this is like, this is what most people eat, but not a lot of people like it. Like my family eats it, but I don't like it personally. So, here you go.
- They're one of my favorites.
- What's the flavor?
- Um, it's Durian. You know Durian?
- I know what Durian is, but I've never had it.
- You know of it.
- It does stink.
- Yeah.
- Kind of.
- How is it?
- Not good. I don't like it.
- What do you mean? It's so good.
- Oh.
- It's like marshmallow, and then there's like, another solid mass inside there, right?
- Yeah, it has like a tacky flavor. It definitely melts in your mouth.

ROUND 2: Flaming hot cheetos

- So these are different variations of the cheese Cheetos, a little hotter, as you can tell by the many flames.
- I like them, but I'm kind of a baby and I can't handle the spice sometimes. So this is a large bag, I'll eat half of like a snack sized bag, and that's pretty much as much as I can take.
- Down the hatch.
- They're good.
- Yeah.
- It's really good. I like spicy food. Oh my God, this is so good.
- Tastes kind sour, but they're not that hot now.
- No, they're not that hot, but.
- But they like if you eat a lot, oh, I can feel it. If you eat a lot, it's gonna burn the tip of my tongue.
- It's really hot. My tongue is like it's burning right now. - Mm-hmm.
- But I like it. I like thr pain.
- It's working a little bit, but.
- They're good.
- Yeah, I know that feeling. I know that feeling.
- I love, I like it.

ROUND 3: Choc Nut

- This is a Choc Nut. This is like chocolate and peanuts combined together.
- It's a pack of gum almost.
- Oh! Mm-hmm. It's interesting there's not peanuts on the inside, they just infused.
- They just, yeah.
- The flavor inside the chocolate.

ROUND 4: Twizzlers

- Twizzlers, one of my favorite movie theater snacks.
- When we did really well on tests, my teachers would give these out in the smaller packages.
- It kinda smells like a bubblegum.
- We used to have like sword fights when I was a kid.
- What's up? Give me it straight.
- It's like an eraser.
- You gotta eat more of them, that's the problem. You gotta eat like at least half of these, and then you're gonna get that flavor of strawberry.
- You like it?
You're turning red.
-It's not bad.
- Our kids love, like, snacks, you know, like you drizzle sugar in it or something, and this just really was just rubber to me. I'm sorry.
- I don't take any offense to it because it is a very strange texture that I feel like you have to kinda get used to.

ROUND 5: Dried Mangorind

- This is my favorite. They're actually from my hometown. It's dried mangoes with tamarind.
- Oh, that sounds good. Oh my God. Oh, okay. That's so good.
- You're welcome.
- Tastes like dried mangoes. Coated in sugar, oh my God.
- And the sour taste of tamarind.
- Mmm. I don't taste the tamarind, but it's so good.
- It's softer than the regular dried mangoes. That's so good.
- Here, have more.
- Thank you.

ROUND 6: Twinkies

- Twinkies are such a classic, indulgent, American snack. This is definitely a fair type of food. You'd see this at the gas station for really cheap.
- Kinda looks like a loaf of bread with some vanilla inside.
- I don't think I've ever smelled it.
- Very good. It's very good, I like it.
- So it's a vanilla cream on the inside, and then a spongy cake on the outside.
- I like both.
- Yeah. The combo is good.

ROUND 7: Rosquillos

- Rosquillos. This is like a childhood snack. There's a specific way of eating this, so I want to know if you know how to.
- With my mouth? They're thinner than I expected. You eat it off your pinky? Get outta here, is that really what you do?
- Well, kids do it like this.
- All right, well, I'm doing it the way the kids do it.
- Yeah, I can actually finish like a whole box. By myself when I'm watching movies. It's like plai, but you just can't get enough.
- Yeah, these are great, and they're fun. We should have more interactive snack foods in America.


- I think it's important to try other culture's snacks. Just because it widens your horizon for your taste buds, and it's important to try those.
- Yeah.
- I was surprised that I would like these American foods. I mean, I'm a picky eater, so I loved it.
- If you have the resources to try some snacks that you can only find in different countries just to maybe give you a little more perspective, and to hear someone else try the
snacks that you grew up with. I was certainly very surprised by your reaction to Twizzlers. It's very funny, so I think that was pretty entertaining to say the least.



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