Whenever you're ready.
Ready. We'll get it in one take.
Great Britain, land of dazzling beauty and extraordinary diversity.
Season after season, changes arrive.
As Spring rains nourish...

Oh, my! Oh, these magnificent blossoms.
Sir, please just stick to the script.
Nature's curiosities.
Powerful. Savage. Good heavens! What is that?
It's a- it's a hovercraft.
I didn't make the game.
She stalks the prey.
"The hunt is on", says the big cat.
Must I voice all of this?
Meow, meow, meow. Summer at the watering hole.
Even hooligans join the fray.
It's hoonigans.
Hoonigans. What is this language?
It's English.
Winter. Wait! Spring? Migration moves forth together.
A true multiplier.
Oh. No, no.
It's actually multiplayer.
It's a type of the game we can play with multiple players.
It's like a shared world.
There you go. You got it.
Every creature soars over the greatest Britain ever.
Four changes everything.



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