We Can Get High Lyrics - We can get high, touching the sky, Galantis & Yellow Claw
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: W
- Hits: 746
The music video We Can Get High was released on 14 June 2019.
I can see
Baby you're just like me
Keep falling free
Running round chasing dreams
I'm Ok Lyrics - I'm not alcoholic, LITTLE BIG
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: I
- Hits: 914
The music video I'm Ok was released on 14 June 2019.
[Ilich & Sonya]
Working days, week by week
That will make me wanna drink
Every Fridays I got lit
Should I really need to quit?
Baby mister take a little sip?
So mama gonna fix it really quick
Cut Cobaine? Hotline Bling?
That could only mean one thing (trrr)
Divide Lyrics - Why would we divide when we could come together? Bastille
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: D
- Hits: 731
The music video Divide was released on 13 June 2019.
Roll the window down, let the air blow 'round you
A sadness in the breeze as the night divides us
Rescue Me Lyrics - When I found you, Marshmello ft. A Day To Remember
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: R
- Hits: 793
The music video Rescue Me was released on 13 June 2019.
[Jeremy McKinnon]
Never been safe but I've never gone closer
Another year down and another year older
A million fresh starts, what I needed was closure, yeah
I lost who I was but I found my composure, yeah
Waterflower Lyrics - I got a sad smile, Sticky Arrow
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: W
- Hits: 684
The music video Waterflower was released on 13 June 2019.
Most you rappers don't get it
Sticky, burning up bridges
Every song sound the same
And you hate that I said it
But fuck it, you did it
I never been bitter
But why do you litter
They calling me white boy
They know I'm a spitter, ten after ten
Said, I'm gone of the liquor
Don't play with my chain
I don't play with no bitches
All This Time Lyrics - Cause after this time, Drax Project
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: A
- Hits: 776
The music video All This Time was released on 13 June 2019.
What's in your head? Wish that I could see you thinking
Let me in, is what you're saying, what you're meaning
I'm tryna make some sense
I'm over the suspense
But a part of me knows how this ends
Tap Lyrics - Giving head taps, lead tat, NAV ft. Meek Mill
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: T
- Hits: 951
The music video Tap was released on 13 June 2019.
[NAV, Meek Mill, & Kodak Black]
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(I'm in London, got my beat from London)
Yeah, yeah
Mysterious Times Remix Lyrics - These are mysterious times, Sash! feat Tina Cousins, LTeeBee Chillout Remix
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: M
- Hits: 625
The music video Mysterious Times (LTeeBee Chillout Remix) was released on 13 June 2019.
Mysterious Life
We're moving around, dancing the rhythm of life
Mysterious Time
We're counting the hours and days to the end of all time
Don't Go Lyrics - Don't go baby, baby don't go, Alan Walker ft. DJ Layla
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: D
- Hits: 1527
The music video Don't Go was released on 10 June 2019.
I feel the first drops of rain
Of rain, of rain, of rain
I hear they whisper your name
Your name, your name, your name
29 Lyrics - Slowly let me down, Loïc Nottet
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: #
- Hits: 1966
The music video 29 was released on 4 June 2019.
She said, I never want to hurt you again
I said, I never want this to come to an end
She said, look at me baby, these tears we run out
I said, I took you for granted but I can't be without you
Gxing The Distance Lyrics - Thumbing the cash like, Scarlxrd
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: G
- Hits: 677
The music video Gxing The Distance was released on 13 June 2019.
We, don't want nobody to talk to me right now, okay?
Still don’t give a fuck about what anybody thinks
Really 'bout to blow you’re gonna miss it if you blink
I won’t ever change, it’s only Bombay that I drink
Guess my minds still fucked up, I should invest in a shrink
You Need To Calm Down Lyrics - And snakes and stones never broke my bones, Taylor Swift
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: Y
- Hits: 953
The music video You Need To Calm Down was released on 13 June 2019.
You are somebody that I don't know
But you're takin' shots at me like it's Patrón
And I'm just like, damn, it's 7 AM
Say it in the street, that's a knock-out
But you say it in a Tweet, that's a cop-out
And I'm just like "Hey, are you okay?"
Must Have Been The Wind Lyrics - It must have been the wind, Alec Benjamin
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: M
- Hits: 915
The music video Must Have Been The Wind was released on 13 June 2019.
I heard a glass shatter on the wall in the apartment above mine
At first I thought that I was dreaming
But then I heard the voice of a girl
And it sounded like she'd been crying
Now I'm too worried to be sleeping
Long Way Home Lyrics - Let's take the long way home, Lucas, Steve & Deepend
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: L
- Hits: 2096
The music video Long Way Home was released on 13 June 2019.
End of the night
I put my jacket on, calling a cab
Waiting outside
You nearly passed me but then you asked
If I had a light
I told a joke and we shared a smoke or five
Βαλ' Το Τέρμα Lyrics - Ξύπνα με... Στο όνειρό σου, αν δεν ήρθα, Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: B
- Hits: 1869
The music video Βαλ' Το Τέρμα was released on 12 June 2019.
Βαλ' Το Τέρμα Στίχοι:
Έλα κοντά μου...
Να δεις τον ουρανό, απ’ τη μεριά μου...
Έλα κοντά μου...
Το σώμα σου, να γίνει, μυρωδιά μου...
On A Roll Lyrics - I'm stoked on ambition and verve, Ashley O
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: O
- Hits: 1344
The music video On A Roll was released on 13 June 2019.
Oh honey I'll do anything for you
Oh honey just tell me what you want me to
Oh honey kiss me up against the wall
Oh honey don't think anything, just have it all
Since 93 (album sampler) Lyrics - Deze dagen moet ik iets marmers voelen, Cho
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: S
- Hits: 867
The music video Since 93 (album sampler) was released on 13 June 2019.
Uhh (Wauw)
Wauw (Wauw)
Fakka en rap je nog, zo lang doe je
Zit je nog bij TopNotch? Niet bemoeien
Ik had een visie, ik zie het groeien
Glow-up season, al m'n nigga's gloeien
M'n bitches zijn bad en ze willen stoeien
Maar zulke dingen vind ik niet meer boeiend
Is het geen Benz, die motor valt uit
Wie stapt er uit om die whip te duwen?
Money kan ik verstaan en ik spreek het vloeiend
'k Zweer het, als je skeer bent kun je alleen vermoeien
Wiep die bitch met een cosoe, maar geen gevoelens
Ik kom uit de Bijlmer dus ben net iets cooler
Al m'n dromen komen dichterbij, 'k voel het
Op m'n knieën, dank God, amen, hallelujah
Brieven groen en geel, ik noem het paardenbloemen
Personal Hell Lyrics - Save me from my personal Hell, Kim Petras
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: P
- Hits: 749
The music video Personal Hell was released on 12 June 2019.
Yeah, yeah
Summer sun don't feel a thing
Overthink 'bout everything
When I think of you, you give me chills
Yeah, I'm sad but down to fuck
Want you more this ain't enough
When you kiss me boy I don't need pills
Jedi: Fallen Order Trailer - I'm here on Jedi business, STAR WARS
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: J
- Hits: 796
The game video trailer Jedi: Fallen Order STAR WARS was released on 12 May 2019.
Ready to do this?
Hey! Who are you?
Got a name?
Cal Kestis
Saw Gerrera
Δεν με καταλαβαίνεις Lyrics - Δε με... Καταλαβαίνεις σε άλλο κόσμο μένεις, Ιουλία Καλλιμάνη
- Details
- Parent Category: Music videos, movies and animation
- Category: D
- Hits: 1731
The music video Δεν με καταλαβαίνεις was released on 13 June 2019.
Οσο μένω
Κοντά σου Κιυδυνεύω δεν αλλάζεις
Και άδικα παλεύω για μια σχέση
Που έωασ Προσπαθεί
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