TIMELAPSE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE (compressing 13.8 billion years of all time from start into a 10 minute scale) - melodysheep

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We're going on a journey
This video depicts all 13 billion years of time unfolding on a 10 minute scale - from the big bang to today.
Every passing second represents 22 million years.
On this scale, humans do not appear until the last fraction of a second

The universe begins in 5,
The universe begins in 4,
The universe begins in 3,
The universe begins in 2,
The universe begins in 1,

Event The Big Bang
Event The First Star
From the primordial cloud of gas and cosmic dust, gravity forged the stars.
Event Early Star Formation

Event Early Galaxy Formation
Gravity connects star systems together in vast galaxies and steers them on their journey through unbounded space.
The relentless flow of time has driven the evolution of the universe and created extraordinary wonders.
Some galaxies formed so close together that they're locked in a gravitational embrace.
What a magnificent sight it would be.
As it evolves, the universe passes through distinct eras.
Vast ages, with beginnings, and endings, are marked by unique milestones, the births and deaths of its wonders.
We are the product of a grand, evolutionary, sequence cosmic evolution
About which we are only occasionally aware of.

Event Milky Way Formation
Gravity is the great creator, the constructor of worlds.
But gravity is also the destroyer, because it's relentless

Event Black Hole Formation
When a star around fifteen times the mass of our sun collapses,
All the matter in its core is crushed into an infinite void of blackness known as a 'Stellar Mass Blackhole'.
The immense gravitational pull of these monsters can rip a star apart.
They tear matter from its surface and drag it into orbit.
This super-heated matter spins around the mouth of the blackhole, and great jets of radiation fire from the core.
Although these jets can be seen across the cosmos, the core itself, remains a mystery.
Not even light can escape, so their interior is forever hidden from us

Event Star Death and Rebirth
Throughout a star's life, there is a constant battle, between energy pushing out and gravity pushing in.
When it [the star] runs out of fuel, the star collapses and then explodes, with the brightness of a billion suns.

As the star is torn apart, it will fire out into space, all of the elements that it created in its life...
...and death.
These are new stars, forming from the elements blown out, by supernova explosions.
New stars being born, from the remains of the dead ones.

And it's from this universe [of] death and rebirth that we emerged
Because it was in a nebula, just like this, five billion years ago...
..that our sun was formed.

Event Collapse of Protoplanetary Dust Cloud
Clouds of hydrogen collapse further and further under the force of gravity and, the life cycle of a new star has begun.
The star was born, that would come to be known...
...as the sun. Event Birth of the Sun
Around it, a network of planets formed...
Among them, was the Earth

Event Formation of Earth
Debris, leftover from the formation of the solar system, collides with the Earth.

Event Formation of the Moon

Event Hadeon Eon
Earth began life as a molten hell.
The early continents were still forming.

Event Archean Eon
The land was dominated by volcanoes.
Hostile and lifeless. But deep in the oceans, life had begun.

Event Early Life Forms
The latest theory is that chemicals, spewing from underwater volcanic trenches, solidified and created the conditions needed, for the first cells to form.
For some, three billion years simple and microscopic organisms were the most advanced form of life, on the planet.
Cyanobacteria and other oxygen producing microbes began to bloom.

Event Oxygenation of Atmosphere
These flourished in colonies of plant-like microbes that pumped out enormous volumes of oxygen.
And it was this increase in oxygen, that was the key to the rise of the animal kingdom.
Event First Complex Single Celled Life
Organisms started using oxygen to respire.
You need a lot more energy which allowed the development of more complex life

Event Proterozoic Eon
Just before complex life appeared, the world was in the grip of

Event Snowball Earth
The biggest ice age in its entire history

Event First Multicelled Animals
And then suddenly, advanced organisms appeared.

Event Cambrian Explosion

Event Ordovician Period

Event Silurian Period

Event Devonian Period

Event Carboniferous Period

Event Permian Period

Event Triassic Period

Event Cretaceous Period

Event Cretaceous Period (There go the dinos)

Event Rise of Mammals
Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, Homo Sapians

Timelapse of the Entire Universe

That's all, and thanks for watching! I'm going to take a drink now.


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